Return the model index from script precache calls.Fixed text corruption in the Mutations menu on Linux.Fixed a crash on Linux at the main menu.Fixed a shader crash with Vulkan on Intel.Fixed potential exploit to remotely crash servers.DXVK (a set of software libraries that translates DirectX API calls to Vulkan API calls) update to DXVK Version 2.0.Left 4 Dead 2 - Crash Bandicoot: The Return of Dr. Left 4 Dead 2 - The Seal of Asrahmat v.2.9 Left 4 Dead 2 - Claustrophobia (AKA, The Sewer) v.1.0 Left 4 Dead 2 - Fall in the forest v.21032022 Left 4 Dead 2 - Left 4 Dead Beta Mutation v.2.4.3

Left 4 Dead 2 - Fatal Freight v.1.6 Final To install just throw it into your addons folder and overwrite anything it asks you to and enjoy!

L4DArchive : For the collection of the old beta videos that inspired the creation of this mutation.ĭecapatain Cuppajoe : Throwing everything together, playtesting, blah, blah, blah Rayman1103 : For his guide on how to make mutations and a working ragdoll code Valve : LEFT 4 DEAD 1,2, CVARS, Ricochet, etc. Note that some screenshots are outdated and must be replaced. I highly recommend an improved bot mod to reduce the chances of them getting stuck/friendly fire cases.

To access these mutations via console type: "map mapname beta" or "map mapname betav" +White glows around survivors instead of green (featured in some beta footage) +Some cvars are rebalanced to l4d1 stats, such as the minigun and tank fire damage +Cinematic lights on pinned survivors has been removed +Tanks no longer shake the entire screen when they're around (disabled right now) Players unable to walk through each other, fit with unused voice lines! Suggested by Gyroic +Boomers use cut leaker behavior instead of normal behavior (as I wanted them to deal damage on death, this was the next best thing) +To make up for not being able to figure out how to make the witch incapacitate all survivors when startled, she instantly kills the one that does it making her a threat anyways. +Tank health has been increased to 9000 (Better bring molotovs!) +Smoker tongue drag speed has been drastically increased +Smokers can voluntarily release a survivor (Tested, works!) +Death notices for bots have been disabled +The Director attempts to always spawn wanderers +Crosshair colour has been changed to green +Glow on far away items have been disabled +Pistol max ammo has been set to 240 (Works but there’s no way to know ammo count) +Shotgun and Autoshotgun max ammo has been increased to 128 +Only Boomer, Smoker, Hunter, Tank, and Witch spawns